If you were to ask anyone in Denver for a Jewish Kosher-style deli they all would point you to Zaidy’s Deli on the corner of 1st & Adams in Cherry Creek. Having been here for 17 years they have become an institution of Denver and the place to go when sick and in need of some home made Matzo Ball soup.
In need of culinary medication, the Chicken Matzo Ball soup sounded like the perfect food cure for a head cold. Indeed any soup will give you the warmth you need when feeling down but the Matzo ball soup takes it to another level of comfort like watching a movie while wrapped up in a Snuggie on a cold day. The Matzo ball tasted good and had the right consistency but the broth needed just a bit of work. Finding the balance between salty and seasoned is always a battle for soup and they seemed to stay on the safe side. Staying away for the salty side is better in my opinion anyways but they could have taken this a bit further on the seasoning.
Missing from my take out order was the choice of bread usually served with this soup. Don't you hate when they miss something on a take out order?
One of the other well known dishes at Zaidy’s is the Latke Reuben sandwich. If your idea of a good reuben is a pile of meat then your in the right place. Served between two potato latkes lies a stack of sliced meat (either corned beef or pastrami or both), sauerkraut, swiss cheese and a side of russian dressing to wash it all down. The ability to restrain use of cheese is nice as most delis equate cheese to good and therefore pile it on. The sauerkraut is there more filler than taste and didn’t really seem to stand up to the meatfest on the sandwich. The meatfest however stood on its own like a hero and tasted great. Certainly a great sandwich and a must try.
Ordered as an extra, I also had a potato Kinish because who doesn't love a good Kinish. Unfortunately, the hockey puck I tried to bite in to was a big disappointment and must have been sitting there all day. People, if it's not good, don't serve it. Better to be disappointed by running out of a dish than to lose a tooth eating one.
If your looking for the warm feeling of comfort food, Zaidie's delivers comfort like Mom used to. There's also a second deli in LoDo which makes a good lunch spot for the downtown crowd.
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